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Course Overview and Objectives

Completion requirements

Based on the NEA CARE Curriculum and broken down into three separate workshops, CARE strategies prepare educators to implement research-based approaches that maximize the value that diverse groups of students bring with them to school. Part 1 focuses on student and community culture and how to recognize the role culture plays in learning. Part 2 deals with the maximizing the broad range of student abilities and fostering student resilience and Part 3 focuses on the role of effort in learning and how educators can use a systems-based approach to implementing a culturally competent learning environment.

1. Course Objectives

Participants will:

•Discover how opportunity gaps fuel achievement gaps, and how community engagement can close them.
•Incorporate practices that synthesize how culture and knowledge of diverse populations promotes relational and academic equity.
•Develop a systems-based approach to identifying root causes of barriers to creating equitable and diverse communities of learners and strategies for overcoming those barriers.