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6 Courses

Yes You Can- Part 2: Planning and Preparation
MSEA CPD Courses
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MSEA CPD Courses

Yes You Can- Part 2: Planning and Preparation

Lesson planning and how best to do it efficiently, meaningfully and in a way that ensures the best student outcomes without running yourself ragged can sometimes seem like an impossible task. MSEA’s Center for Education Policy and Practice is offering an opportunity for MSEA members to earn one Continuing Professional Development credit applicable to recertification at no cost to you!

Yes, You Can 2 is designed to help members navigate lesson planning and instructional strategies by giving you practical, next-day strategies designed by educators. In this course, you will:
• develop an understanding of current thought and standards elements of lesson planning and incorporate them in their daily practice.
• investigate and apply instructional strategies that target transitions, pacing, and communication into planning and instruction.
• examine the importance and role of communication and communication styles in student learning and caregiver communication.
• examine and analyze School-Caregiver Communication strategies and how to incorporate them into their practice.

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  • Yes You Can- Part 1: Classroom Management
    MSEA CPD Courses
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    MSEA CPD Courses

    Yes You Can- Part 1: Classroom Management

    MSEA is pleased to offer Yes, You Can! Part 1- Classroom Management free of charge to our members free of charge and completely virtual! This workshop focuses on setting up your students and classes for success. We will examine why expressing our own “why” is important to establishing a solid community of learners, how to craft a practical, restorative approach to behavior and expectations and provide real-world, next-day strategies for managing the issues that present themselves in today’s classrooms. Completion of all required activities for the workshop entitles certificated participants to apply for one MSDE Continuing Professional Development Credit applicable to re-certification.

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  • Becoming a Restorative Educator
    MSEA CPD Courses
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    MSEA CPD Courses

    Becoming a Restorative Educator

    MSEA has led the way on making the implementation of Restorative Practices as the model for educators’ approach to student learning and behavior. The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future makes using Restorative Practices a priority for all Maryland schools. So, what does that mean for you in your work? Why are Restorative Practices seen as such a transformative approach to learning? Most importantly, how do we know that they work?

    Join MSEA’s member trainers and staff from the Center for Education Policy and Practice for answers to all these questions, plus real world, practical strategies for how to implement Restorative Practices in your work. 

    Credits: 2 MSEA CPD

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  • C.A.R.E Series: Culturally Responsive (Part 1)
    MSEA CPD Courses
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    MSEA CPD Courses

    C.A.R.E Series: Culturally Responsive (Part 1)

    Based on the NEA CARE (Culture, Abilities, Resilience, Effort) Curriculum and broken down into three separate workshops, CARE strategies prepare educators to implement research-based approaches that maximize the value that diverse groups of students bring with them to school. 

    Part 1 focuses on student and community culture and how to recognize the role culture plays in learning. 

    Credit: 1 MSEA CPD

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  • C.A.R.E Series: Abilities and Resilience (Part 2)
    MSEA CPD Courses
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    MSEA CPD Courses

    C.A.R.E Series: Abilities and Resilience (Part 2)

    Based on the NEA CARE Curriculum and broken down into three separate workshops, CARE strategies prepare educators to implement research-based approaches that maximize the value that diverse groups of students bring with them to school. Part 2 deals with the maximizing the broad range of student abilities and fostering student resilience.

    Credit: 1 MSEA CPD

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  • C.A.R.E Series: Exploring Effort (Part 3)
    MSEA CPD Courses
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    MSEA CPD Courses

    C.A.R.E Series: Exploring Effort (Part 3)

    Based on the NEA CARE Curriculum and broken down into three separate workshops, CARE strategies prepare educators to implement research-based approaches that maximize the value that diverse groups of students bring with them to school. Part 3 focuses on the role of effort in learning and how educators can use a systems-based approach to implementing a culturally competent learning environment. 

    Pre-Requisites: CARE Part 1 and Part 2

    Credit: 1 MSDE CPD

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